Did Christina Aguilera have a genie in a bottle grant her 3 wishes to change her appearance naturally or has she had plastic surgery?
We have watched Christina Aguilera grow up before our eyes from her Mickey Mouse Club days singing along with Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears to an accredited chair on The Voice. We have seen all of her transformations from her genie in a bottle days looking oh so young and innocent, to her dirty ring girl performance dancing with chaps on. She also has conquered and maintained a 50’s pinup girl style with her signature blonde locks and red lips. However, through the years it’s not just her style that seems to have evolved, but a few of her other features have many people questioning what has she had done…
When Christina’s career first took off in the 90’s her breasts where visibly much smaller than they are today- understandably, she was a teenager! So it only seemed fair that as she grew up so did her breasts. Some believe it is very obvious that she has had breast implants to surgically enhance the size, but other acknowledge the result could have stemmed from a growth spurt.
Christina was extremely thin in the early years of her career and then she gained quite a bit of weight. She refused to be body shamed as she embraced all her curves on stage, red carpets and in front of the cameras. After bouncing back from her second pregnancy she appeared back on NBC’s The Voice thinner than she ever was before- and in such a short amount of time! Of course people were left second guessing the weight loss credibility- liposuction? Or a total “Mommy Makeover” to get rid of the extra pounds.
Recently pictures surfaced of Christina showing off a much larger derrière than she previously had too! Now this is just giving more critics ammunition as the photos leave them forced to speculate butt implants or a Brazilian butt lift. A Brazilian butt lift is where expert surgeons remove the unwanted fat from other areas in your body and inject that fat into your buttocks to make it more round and shapely. Did she jump on the bandwagon of getting butt implants to achieve a bigger booty or are her Latin roots coming into play here? Besides, butt’s are all the rage right now.
The work that Christina has potentially appeared to have done to her face is minimal and subtle, but still enough for us to notice. Her nose looks a bit thinner at the bottom and wider at the tip, which would often times be achieved through a rhinoplasty procedure. Her lips appear to be fuller… telling us that she has possibly had a lip augmentation or used fillers to give herself a bigger pout. Most of the time these procedures are done together to bring a more even balance and harmony to the face. Although Christina has never admitted to having plastic surgery, I’m sure she would tell us that “she is beautiful no matter what we say”!