The Kardashian crew became the patron saints of plastic surgery. Thanks to their open patronage of top plastic surgeons, people from all walks of life gained a newfound interest in cosmetic surgery. The most popular procedure associated with the Kardashians is lip enhancement, and its demand has skyrocketed in recent years.
Lip injections have given thousands of people the look they’ve always wanted. Having a fuller set of lips can balance out facial features, add a little flirtatiousness to your look, and generally makes someone more attractive. For the most part, people who get lip injections are thrilled with the results.
“For the most part” is the key term to look for here. Once in a while, there will be cases where plastic surgery goes wrong. Lip injections can get botched. Sometimes, injections take hold on one side other than the other. Other times, a single lip injection can become overkill or may end up with excess swelling. A botched lip enhancement is one that can easily be traumatic to the person who has it happen to them.
Because the rate of lip injections increased, the number of botched surgeries in this category increased too. So, what happens when you end up with botched lip injections? Clearly, living with a botched procedure isn’t ideal, right?
Finding A Solution To The Lip Injection Problem
Rhinoplasty expert Dr. Philip J. Miller has seen this issue happen at his own office, and regularly works with clients who want to know their options. Thankfully, there are ways to correct botched surgeries, and those include lip injections.
“When it comes to lip injections, you really have just two options. Lip injections that are semi-permanent can allow patients to wait for years until the ingredients in the injections are absorbed into the skin, but most people don’t find this to be ideal,” notes Dr. Philip J. Miller. “That’s why the best option is to go to a plastic surgeon to have the injections corrected.”
The Lip Injection Fix
Considering how pricey some plastic surgery corrections can be, it’s not surprising that many botched enhancement victims tend to feel like a better pair of lips will be unaffordable. Even when it’s not a matter of affordability, the potential of having complex procedures performed on them can be intimidating.
Believe it or not, people who receive corrections don’t really have to worry about these concerns. The procedure is both affordable and doesn’t require any intense surgery. In fact, there isn’t even much downtime associated with it.
As it turns out, correcting lip injections is actually fairly easy to do, as long as the injections you have included Hyaluronic Acid. A plastic surgeon can inject a specialty serum that will dissolve the injections and give you a clean slate to work with. Then, the surgeon can perform injections once more, giving you the results you initially wanted.
Does It Really Work?
The fix seems to simple, doesn’t it? With shows like Botched describing advanced surgeries in detail, it’s easy to be skeptical about a procedure’s potential. Believe it or not, the procedure really does work and is capable of giving patients the lips they’ve always wanted.
“If you got regular filler injections with HLA, there’s absolutely no reason to feel resigned to having botched lips,” says Dr. Miller. “Tech makes it possible to improve your look and reverse problems that come with a poorly performed surgery.”