In the late 80’s Jennifer Grey was on her way to becoming the next “Molly Ringwald”. Jennifer was said to be a muse to the directors behind the cult-classic films, Red Dawn, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Dirty Dancing, which catapulted her career into 80’s teen movie stardom with critical acclaim to follow.
Ironically, her successful roles contributed to a downfall in her self-confidence. Even though movie scripts were pouring in and her name continued to be thrown around with award show nomination panels, she always felt second string as she competed with the Hollywood starlets of the time.
Playing the resentful sister of Mathew Broderick’s epic role, she was often critiqued for not fitting into society’s typical standard of beauty. Directors responded by attributing her seemingly universal look as part of her mass appeal. She was beautiful and unique. Jennifer didn’t look like anyone else, yet she had a universal attraction. Her physical characteristics were never overcompensated, specifically her schnoz.
Enter Dirty Dancing.
Francis “Baby” Houseman, perhaps her most notable character, was a low-budget, surprise hit, coming-of-age drama which documents an awkward teenage girl’s rebellion. Johnny Castle, played by Swayze, delivered one of the most famous lines in movie quote history, “Nobody puts Baby in the corner…” Soon after, and unfortunately for her, America and Hollywood, did just that.
Not only did all of the United States cast her aside, her most distinguishing feature disappeared. Just imagine inserting a boxing announcer’s voice, “And in the top right corner, weighing in at 110lbs. of cuteness, Hollywood darling… Wait, who the hell is that?”
After undergoing not one, but two rhinoplasty procedures- the second of which was necessary to correct problems stemming from the first—resulted in a nose that caused even her close friends and family to fail in recognizing her. It wasn’t even a “botched” treatment. She was still beautiful. It is just people genuinely no longer knew who she was.
How did Rhinoplasty affect her career you ask?
Well, if it wasn’t for her revival on DWTS a couple years back, a new generation of girls would simply be referring to her as “the chick that once had the time of her life”! So long story short…negative impact.
Although, the media may be partially to blame for the added pressure and self-esteem issues, there is a lesson to be learned in this Hollywood tale. Plastic surgery does not automatically define your beauty and does not always improve your life for the better. It is a life altering experience that requires superior expertise with a sincere, level head.
Jennifer Grey has even publically addressed her rhinoplasty by saying, “I went into the operating room a celebrity- and came out anonymous. It was like being in the witness protection program or being invisible.” Her career took such a nose dive (pun intended), she even briefly considered changing her name and starting completely from the bottom. Well, Jennifer Grey, you may have started from the bottom, but now you’re on Lifetime! –And we still love you!